Located outside Los Santos International Airport, this stunt jump can be accessed by taking the ramp on the right side of the main entrance. Located in Sandy Shores, this stunt jump can be found near the Sandy Shores Motel on Lalita Avenue.

North of the Docks in Banning, there is a ramp that allows you to cross the canal.

Inside the Rockford Hills Golf Club, you’ll find a stunt jump near a small pool of water with a broken wooden bridge. Head to the police station parking garage in Rancho and reach the roof, where you’ll find a ramp to jump. Cross the thin red cones and head towards the grassy ramp for a straightforward jump that lands you on the Great Ocean Highway. Isiah Friedlander’s office/home, this stunt jump can be found under the overpass on Equality Way. Intersection of Equality Way and Bay City Avenue

Located in Paleto Bay, between Beeker’s Garage and the Discount Store, there’s a construction site with a dirt ramp that you can use to jump over a fence. As you approach the tight left turn, keep your eyes peeled for a broken boundary up ahead. Located in Downtown Los Santos, this stunt jump awaits on the Pillbox Hill overpass. The stairs leading up to the gazebo serve as a ramp for an exciting stunt jump. In Little Seoul, keep an eye out for a Chinese Gazebo. Look out for a Sprunk sign on the road that acts as a ramp for a thrilling stunt jump. Head over to Mission Row in South Los Santos and locate the Get Aweigh watersports store. You’ll notice a small barricade near the staircase, which serves as your jump point. Located near the West entrance of Pillbox Hill Medical Center, this stunt jump is easily accessible. Pillbox Hill Medical Center West Entrance Located behind the Ammu-Nation in Pillbox Hill, this stunt jump can be accessed through the parking lot on Elgin Avenue. After crossing a small bridge, your objective is to reach the lighthouse by accelerating with a fast car. Located near Mount Gordo, on the most North-Eastern side of the map, this stunt jump takes place near the El Gordo Lighthouse. In Vinewood Hills, west uphill, there is a stunt jump with a ramp located between two houses. Located near Rockford Plaza, between Alta and Burton, there is a stunt jump that involves driving straight into the barricades instead of following the road. Located south of Bolingbroke Penitentiary in the Grand Senora Desert, there is a cliff-shaped ramp that allows you to attempt a daring stunt jump into the high-security prison. Spot the gap in the boundaries while heading south on the freeway, and take the ramp down to the Los Santos Freeway. Located on the Senora Freeway, this stunt jump can be found near the wind farm. Located in Downtown Los Santos, this stunt jump can be found on the overpass for the Del Perro Freeway, near the Arcadius Business building. The ramp is positioned for a steep dive from the mountain, allowing you to soar over Baytree Canyon Road. Located near Baytree Canyon Road, you can find this stunt jump by heading east down the hill. This ramp allows you to jump onto the curved dirt road below. Located in the center of Raton Canyon, west of Raton Pass, there is a stunt jump featuring a rock-shaped ramp. This noticeable gap in the bridge is reminiscent of the letter “N” on the map. Located on the Northern end of the map, near Beeker’s Garage and the Discount Store in Paleto Bay, there is a broken bridge. Located on top of the parking garage on Peaceful Street in Pillbox Hill, there is a Pisswasser beer sign serving as a ramp for a stunt jump. Spot the under-construction freeway boundary, marked by orange cones and sandbags, with a perfectly placed metal sheet for a jump. Located on the Southside of La Puerta Freeway in the Little Seoul area. So, head to the Southern side of North Calafia Road and prepare for an exhilarating leap through the air. Located on the Southern side of North Calafia Road, this stunt jump is easily recognizable. Each of them is accompanied by a brief description to help you locate the jump and understand its unique challenges. The following list will provide all 50 stunt jump locations. Map Of All 50 Stunt Jump Locations In GTA 5īelow is the map showing all 50 stunt jump locations in GTA 5.